Monday, May 17, 2010


so i know i haven't written much lately, but it's just been the end of school, finishing up projects, etc., blah blah who cares...

my projects are pretty much all the same thing, here's the rundown:
Entrepreneurship: make up a brand new product or service and show the entire plan of how you will start it, what materials you need, how you will make money, etc. etc.
we are actually doing a type of charity service, where we go around to poor cities like detroit and new york city (the ghetto parts) and miami and we find kids that don't have anyone to go to or just have bad influences in their lives and need something to keep their minds off the drugs and violence. we buy land in the area really cheap, make it into a park or field, and organize sports for the kids to play. we set everything up for them and provide the coaches, etc. then when we are done for the summer, we sell the land back as a really nice park or stadium..
Marketing Plan: this class is already done. we just had to make a few marketing plans from a book we were given about different companies. it was super easy and my group got a 9.5 out of 10. score!
International Marketing: come up with a product that already exists, and find a place it is not distributed. then change the product to fit the needs of the people and the area it will be placed. we are doing Ben and Jerry's in Morocco's private pools and beaches. they are frequented by the super rich and they don't really have ice cream there. our teacher loves the idea so much he wants us to present it to Ben and Jerry's. a girl in my group also lived in Morocco before and says she "knows a guy" she can call to offer the idea to him to see if he'd want to sell it. how random!
Consumer Behavior: come up with a brand new product and show how it works and how you will promote it, your target market, etc. we had one idea but it was really stupid so we are trying to change it by wednesday..... procrastination

basically i just have tuesday and wednesday of this week, then a test next wednesday and that's it! a year in spanish private school and i think i survived okay :)

yesterday was the last game for FC Barca, the futbol team. they didn't get to the championship, but they still had to play to see who won the "league." i don't really get it. but anyway, i went with a few friends to a bar to watch it, and they won, and then i think World War III started. in the streets afterward, there were as many people as cars, so that was kind of dangerous, they had no fear with the cars flying by. they just ran around screaming, blowing in horns, with their faces painted and all their gear on. even as i walked down the street, little kids would be screaming out their windows, "MESSIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!" Messi is the guy on the team that makes the most goals. i think the proper name for him in this city is God. then there were fireworks, fires in general, cars honking, etc. and the honking all had a rhythm. like i think about 85% of the cars driving down the street were honking, and all in the same tune. it was chaos. it was a really big deal though because Barca was the first in history to make 201 goals in one season.

the weather has been fantastic and i have been to the beach a few times and it has been super nice. but sunday was craaazy because there were probably a million people on that beach. everyone was like on top of eachother. i normally would hate that but since these are people from all over Europe, there is always someone to watch. that is my favorite thing to do here, people-watch! and all the girls take their tops off too. and tons and tons of men come around offering beer for a Euro, and all you hear is, "Cerveza, beer, cold beer, coke, fanta, cerveza, beer!" all in that order, every time. and then there are the massage women from Asia: "Massaje! Massagey! Guapa!! Massaje!" "massagey" should not be used, i would understand "massaje" first. and then there are the guys with fresh coconut and they go, "DURADURADURADURADURADURADURA!!!!!!!!!! coco!" "dura" just means hard. and then there is one guy who has donuts on this huuuge wooden board and he is cool because he dances around and puts the board on his head and talks to everyone and is actually entertaining. but you never get a break from them. i guess the beach is bittersweet?

also, i just have to note this to remember for myself, but i walked into a store to buy a beer and the guy asked how old i was. i remind you, you only have to be 18 here to buy alcohol.. and they never card here. i guess i'll just take it as a compliment?

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