Wednesday, June 30, 2010

this is why it's "oldschool"

so this is really more for me, but i just want to remember what my place was like ;)
i don't know if it's more "lack of upkeep" than "oldschool," i think it's more a combination of both, but here we go:

my kitchen, which looks like it's from the 70's. add to this a gas stove/oven, which by the way i can't use the oven anymore. i singed some of my hair off trying to light it and now i'm too scared! (i'm okay mom, don't worry). also, a coffee pot that operates on the stove and barely makes one cup at a time. automatic coffee maker, i really miss you!

yeah, our fridge doesn't have a light.. it hasn't always been like this, but it's been probably almost a month since it's been out and he hasn't fixed it.

no dryer, but i feel lucky, i knew some friends that didn't even have a washer.

now this has been like this since i've been here.. you have to reach in there to flush it! so dirty.

ehh, this is in the other bathroom, self-explanatory.

no locks on the doors, this is no good.
ahh, the cellphone that i hate. i can't even change the sounds or make it vibrate or anything.

heat, but no AC.

looks like someone got lazy and didn't feel like finishing painting.

but i still love this place!!

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