i love hearing what others think about America, Obama, our society, culture, etc.etc... i am always asking what people think to see how we are portrayed.
lately i've been hearing a lot about Obama! it's funny because i've seen a whole range of reactions to his name. first, my roommate Marta, was talking about the Czech Republic and how their government is not so good, but then as she was talking she turned to me, laughed, and said, "well, it's not as bad as Obama.."
i was surprised! i was also talking to someone from India that had a lot to say about him, and he was just saying how he thinks he's all talk and will never amount to anything he's promised.
i'm curious to know how our government is portrayed on the TV here or newspapers because that is where these kids are getting all of their information, right? so their first impression could be different from ours.
a funny thing is that i made friends with some French kids and they asked what i thought of Obama, and i said, what do YOU think of him?? and they said he's great! they think he'll accomplish a lot, and i thought that was funny coming from the French.
but the one thing that everyone i've asked had in common is that they all said Obama is definitely better than Bush, and Bush was just a "wreck." haha interesting... i wonder what the older people here think.
another thing is that everyone i meet here asks me why would i come to Spain when i live in AMERICA!!! and i tell them some of the differences and how i think the people are more friendly here and it's more laid-back and they are in shock. nobody believes me and all the Spaniards say they want to go to the states, especially New York, because of the movies. they think it's so glamorous and rich and just amazing. but i tell them New York and California are definitely different. but people here have a skewed image i think of our country.
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