today i woke up and was looking at the weather online and i have this gadget on my desktop that tells me the current temperature. so when i saw it today i thought it was either broken, my computer had frozen, or it was telling me the weather for Barcelona, Alaska. it was in the 40's! i found out that's what it really was. i couldn't believe it though. turns out the high reached 50 today but that's it. i am assuming it will be in the 30's tonight, and therefore i will not leave the house. that really upsets me though. i don't want the weather telling me what to do! the good thing is my roommate came up to me and said, "oh by the way, if you're cold, i'll show you where the heater is and how to use it." what a relief! i didn't even know we had a heater! by the way, "heater" in Spanish is "calefaccion." i don't know why but i find that amusing because where does that come from??
anyways... someone asked me today, "isn't it 'Oh my God' in English?" and i said, "yes, why do you ask?" and they said i always say "gosh" and they were confused. i laughed. i don't understand why i say gosh but i do, and i never say "oh my God." but i tried to explain it to them. i guess it's like slang? but they said i say it a lot and it's funny. it's also funny to me because i went to go see Marta right after i had moved and i was talking to her and Joana came in the room and she said she just wanted to say she heard me say, "ohhhhh my gosh!!!!" and had this funny expression and she said i always do it, and she misses it, and she misses all my expressions. i never realized what i did. hmmm....
i love when i hear people that are speaking English to me and they say a word that is completely off but still somehow makes sense. like today someone was saying they wanted to get highlights and they said, "i will go get new stripes in my hair soon."
it makes me wonder what i say in Spanish that is so wrong and i don't get corrected for. but when people say things like that sometimes it's so cute i don't want to correct them. it also makes me realize how innocent an accent can make someone seem! that can be a good and bad thing......
yesterday i found out that next week i have a ten page paper ("more or less") to turn in next Monday for my last Inteligencia Emocional class. on self-awareness. well it's a good thing papers are my forte and i can knock out a good one pretty easily, and i've already finished eight pages. i'll take it!
i don't have a test in that class so i think actually after next week i won't have that class anymore. maybe i should ask, no? story of my life
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