i was freaking out about my test because i'm trying to study for advertising right, and it's hard enough just understanding what the book is saying, and then i have to memorize it in spanish, and learn how to respond in spanish. so today i asked the teacher if i could use my dictionary for the test because it would save my life! she said of course! and she said i could even take it in english, or if i didn't know how to express something i can write it in english. phew! what a relief. no stress :D
my new addiction is vueling.com. it's for flights and they are so cheap i want to book everything. like i am sitting here looking up every destination it has at every date and i could be on here for hours. some of the places i don't even know where they are or have never heard of but i am still checking the prices.
i am talking to this girl who came from UCF and we are going to seville next weekend, or maybe the very end of january. it's way in the south and a little more inland. it's supposed to be GORGEOUS and i am dying to see it. everyone in spain talks about it!

yesterday was really fun, i met a bunch of nice new girls, yes girls! they were great. we went to this girl Eva's house and she had this whole little feast set up for us! well it was more like hor d'oeuvres. she had a ton of plates set out with pastries, breads, vegetables, and homemade treats from Prague! the "cherry on top" were the Czech pickles, they were talking them up so much, and she had a huge jar of them! strange, no? but they were sooooo tasty and so different from pickles at home. and on top of that, she made homemade sangria for us all! i felt so bad like i should have brought something, but she was so gracious about it and it was so nice. we didn't even make it out to razzmatazz, too much talking and eating and i don't even know! actually i do know. marta was there and all of the sudden she pulls out this massive banana from her purse. it wasn't a real banana, and it wasn't a plantain, but it was GIANT, and i don't know why she had it but we decided to fry it. it was so good we went and bought more at the little shop downstairs! haha so funny. so anyways i want to go to razzmatazz next week! i've heard a lot about it so it should be good.
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